haha shit all my shopping bags ><
but yay (: eat sleep shop play = LOVE.
but what to do, hist was over!
YAY and the girls of 1A watched ocean's thirteen today (: i love our class girls, we're such a nice bonded bunch!
and obviously, ocean's thirteen was wonderful. with brad pitt and george clooney (: with their perfect faces and bods (:
i shall spend the next two days shopping in town and vivo with melanie BEFORE THE STUPID GST HIKE. if you all are smart enough, take my advice and shop too (: haha yay cant wait!
and we're going to the beach haha! I BELIEVE THAT THE SUNSET CAN BE SEEN AT ECP. hahaa!
and now i have all the time in the world to watch everything i want and read everything i want (:
but pok ): you made me feel sad thinking about that again ): i think it's a problem that might only get worse and worse ):
sunday monday was sleepover and kbox! I LOVEEEEE 2A2B let me hereby declare my undying love for bob jiakang jolyn princess! <3333333! HAHA okay that was kind of exaggerated but I LOVE YOU ALL ANYWAY!
tuesday was mugging at lina's house, wed was mugging with lina at macs then daddy's birthday dinner, and today was mugging with melanie at starbucks!
HAHA as you can see, MUGGING MUGGING MUGGING. the above mentioned are my TOP THREE MUGGING SPOTS. starbucks, macs and lina's house! kbox!
HAHA five hours straight (: we havent done that in ages! and actually we just spent the first hour or two talking intermittenly! actually i like 5 hour kbox sessions better than 3 hour ones, not just because of the time frame, but because we always tend to reminisce and sing all the old songs (: HAHAA and just as we were laughing at jiakang and her house of four very desperate females, which is why they ogle at their topless angmoh neighbour when he walks out onto the balcony every morning, or fall for every guy tv personality there is, WE REDISCOVERED AND REIGNITED OUR LOVE FOR THE VERY HOT 183 CLUB. who obviously hardly has any singing talent (with the exception of zhufanggang!) but with REALLY HOT PHYSIQUES. and (i know many people will shake their heads at this,) we played the I'M SO HOT mv three times just so we could watch zhufanggang and wangshaowei rip off their shirts! and each time we watched it we'll be full of the same excitement and anticipation as ever as we look for the familiar blue shirt that's about to be ripped! haha so yes, after laughing at her house of four desperate females, we present to you a room of FIVE DESPERATE SINGLE GIRLS. hahahahaa! okay i feel embarrassed just typing that out, but i must document that faithful experience! hahaa okay and we just sang all our nice old songs, and laughed at how silly we once were, learning to cry like qiao en but always failing to do so, at jk's and bob's lian ai da ren and of course, never failing to praise ourselves for our improvements in singing ever since our first visit to kbox (:
and as usual at jk's house we spent our time eating up all her yummy food, and watching tv! OH and in our 183 hype! now i feel like watching aqmfs all over again ><>< haha and it was funny watching her squeal and gasp and get all excited just like any one of us! HAHA and then yeah while her sis was fetching us home, her sis was all enthusiastic about wanting to tell us embarrassing jk stories HAHA (:
then it was her birthday celebration (: cos jolyn left halfway for her father's day dinner and bought cake back, so we tricked jk down to the bridge! and she believed our excuse at first, but unfortunately, KNOWING AND EXPECTING US TO CELEBRATE HER BIRTHDAY!!!!! ): the surprise was errrr rather not surprising >< but nevertheless it was nice and sweet! and we felt like delinquents on the VERY PRETTY BRIDGE (: as we sat on the floor to eat the cake and watched lovers linger on the bridge. then in the end, we had to wait for them to walk by to stop one of them to help us take a photo HAHA! but YAYY (: so pretty so fun!
then after that at night we ate satay while watching the pacifier HAHA and jiakang's maid sucks la haha she TOLD US THE PLOT TWIST! hahahaa damn cute la! because we didnt know who the guy with the mum was, then we asked lilly, because she started watching earlier, and she said: OH HE'S THE BAD GUY. hahahaa and then i was like, hmm MAYBEEE that was the plot twist we werent supposed to know till later! HAHAHAA. and we watched parent trap (: and fell in love with the kid lindsay all over again!
then haha we still didnt want to sleep although it was about two? although princess as usual slept already! haha i stayed up this time :D because we watched friends! hahaa and then fell asleep after 1 full disc hahaa.
then the next day we watched more friends and simply laughed ourselves silly (: and after that i was in no mood to do work!
and then on tuesday, it was mugging at lina's house again! haha (: yayy and WE WATCHED MULAN! haha cos she got bored of maths, and i was drowning in seahist! so we decided to take a break and watched half of it first! AHHH SHANG IS THE MOST ELIGIBLE GUY ANIMATED CHARACTER EVER :D and of course lina was just very exasperated at my enthusiasm in watching it >< where i gasped and screamed and shouted and sang along to the songs HAHA then after doing a bit more work, we went to buy tehpeng, before doing more work until the MUCH ANTICIPATED DINNER TIME :D SO WE COULD FINISH UP MULAN! HAHAHAA and yayyyyyy (: MULAN FTW!
hahaaa yday! birthday dinner for daddy! good jap food as usual (:
and today! met up with melanie to mug at starbucks, since i havent seen her/ talked to her in about a gazillion years! hahaaa and then we went for dinner at thai express haha and ice cream at macs. then, being in a i-dont-want-to-go-home but i-dont-want-to-stay-at-macs-and-freeze mood, we decided to take the long walk back to my house so that we could talk more (: and we talked loadssss! it's cool to have such a likeminded cousin such that we can understand each other's problems and everything so well! and my house there is such a nice place to walk la (: house watching and just walking on and on and on! I LOVE YOU MELANIE (: h
aha okay this is a really long entry! to make up for not blogging in days! and of course, the customary photos (:
2A2B <333!
NO SIGNBOARD SERVES THE BESTTTT SEAFOOD :D even though they cheat your money and keep trying to ask you to upsize the dishes haha! look!
A MOUNTAIN OF CRAYFISH. 350 bucks worth of crayfish Oo
THAT'S ONE. imagine 26 pieces of that piled on a plate haha.
haha i got bored so i made my brother take photos with me :D
<33 href="">
I LOVE BABY <3333!
east coast park is such a nice place actually (:
HAHA i just felt like putting a picture of tofu doll now ! haha :D
haha mugging routine is so boringggggg i'm forgetting what day everyday is already! this SUCKS ): and LINA I MISS YOU ): mugging alone sucks after you've been mugging with someone for days already!
what am i doing at home/ at cafes mugging, when just about every other NORMAL singaporean is scouring orchard road for the best bargains at the great singapore sale?!
this seriously sucks ): by the time i'm free to shop ALL THE GOOD BARGAINS WILL BE GONE.
but OHWELL. i shall just make the best use of the hols and have study/mugging dates instead. rawrr why am i spending my money on starbucks/hk street snacks/ cafe cartel/ macs when i could be spending them on clothes haha! mugging outside is making me BROKE. hahahaaaa!
haha okay JANELLE HAHA I LOVE YOUUUU <3 <3 <3 for all the photos hahaa and talking crap haha such a nice frivolous convo away from mugging HAHAA.
and lina (: my mugging buddy for three days straight :D haha ohno when you go thailand over the weekend i need to find someone else ! but i dont know anyone who lives near me ): to go to that whole starbucks stretch with me booo ):
ohwell! i shall continue to MUG HARDDD so i can at least go out a bit more next week!
and zomg i think at night is totally when i take a break from mugging and replenish my brain cells with brainless uncontrollable laughter from msn convos.
haha but ohwell i must say i had a very very good past three days! and i feel silly, but after meeting the people i met over the past three days, i left each meeting with a smile on my face ><
i met sabrina on saturday! and we had a nice dinner at new york new york and ben and jerry's afterwards (: the food was great, but the company was even better! and we talked for like nearly five hours i think i reached home close to eleven haha but i was so happy that we met up! and the coolest thing was that in the mrt on the way home, bib came into the same carraige as us! omgggg ah i miss us and going out to sakae to pig out at buffets as we used to in sec one ): but i'm really really glad that even though we dont meet each other around sch that often, and i dont see bib at all ): we make the effort to meet once every hols, and i guess that's good enough for me that we make the effort to maintain this special friendship (:
AND THEN YESTERDAY WAS THE COOLEST LA! i met xiuqing, whom i havent met since primary school! that's FIVE YEARS. woah. and we used to write all the silly letters to each other by snail mail (: hahahaaaa now that i think of it and what we wrote about >< but THANKS FOR THE DINNER BABE (: it was soooo nice! we should meet up more often actually, considering how close we stay to each other (: but anyway you know yesterday after dinner/dessert as i walked to go to some pub to find my parents i smiled all the way there, because i felt that my holidays have been so fulfilling. i definitely wanted to do more and meet with more people, but i'm really glad i had these two dinners with sabrina and xiuqing! <33333333
yup. and today was cool too! cycling at east coast park! except we couldnt go all the way to changi airport as we wanted to ): because we were too scared to cycle on the highway! but it's damn dangerous too so we didnt. but it was such a nice outing i havent been to ecp in AGES since i was young and used to go cycling with my family there!
and tomorrow i'm going swimming with lina at some club and we'll study after that! haha (: study sessions are turning out like social outings HAHA.
okay i'm smiling as i typed this entry! because i feel so glad that i still meet up with such old friends in a sense, since i dont exactly see them on a regular basis.
but after this happiness comes a wave of sadness, because realisation hits you about daily life and how we're all caught up in such a tangible world of work and cca and school that we can't seem to find enough time to spend with our friends such that we have to wait till the holidays to meet up and catch up.
and i don't get this feeling very often, because everyday during the school term there are other things that occupy my mind constantly that i have no time to think about friends and stuff. and you know bob, i really really really miss you! i know i told you already, but when i read your blog i feel so foreign, because i don't know who you're talking about, what activities you're engaging yourself in and it's really weird and strange because in secondary school we've gotten used to being such a great part of each others lives. yeah so it's kinda strange now. but nevertheless i can't wait for sleepover next week :D
yupp the hols are too short, really. i havent met up with everyone i wanted to, like juniors and everything ): but i think there's no time until after CTs so ):
ohwell and yesterday i was being silly and reading my archives about sec sch life and all the silly things that we used to do as 2a2b, like bake spontaneously just one day after sch, kboxing so often, and i laughed myself to death as i remembered us trying to play tennis at jk's condo, or dancing ddr and stomping around having her neighbours below complaining and i felt so sad i had to stop continuing to read if not i was going to cry ><
but ohwell AT LEASTTTTT we still meet up and i'm very very thankful for that yupp!
(i) List 10 things you want to say to people but know you never will
(ii) Don’t say who they are
! you know sometimes i think i don't know you well enough but i'm ashamed to admit it
@ i want to get to know you better but i dont know how to
# thank you for always being there for me, because when i'm with you i feel so familiar
$ i'm sorry for being so indifferent sometimes and i hate to admit that we've drifted apart but i guess things might have been a lot different yet it's too late
% sometimes i dont recognise the person i see in you anymore.
^ if only you'd look at me
& i really really really like talking to you, though you might not know it
* i hope we never drift apart and that i'd be able to talk to you as easily as ever
( i know we don't talk that much anymore and i don't know how everything's been exactly but take care okay?
) i miss you a lot and i miss talking to you but still i want to thank you for all the phone calls and emails and everything from the past year or two
there. i dont know how obvious it is but i just had to say all of that
thank you to the person who created this thing.
anyway tuesday was great because i managed to haul myself out of bed to go out with xinning (: and it was worth it cos shrek was so cute, and then starbucks after that was nice! IF YOU'RE READING THIS, XINNING I LOVE TALKING TO YOU (:
okay then wed and thurs was touchrug camp! and i went even though i had a terrible throat and haha i found a sick buddy there (: who was karen! HAHA!
and then the day went just fine, with training and er movie! and i can't remember details but i remember loving spending time with everyone (: haha and then dinner at j8 was yummy too, even though karen and i couldnt eat so many things, and we just had to spend lots of money on barley and chrysanthemum with wolfberries HAHA our new favourite drink!
yupp and friendlies the next day was a good learning experience. and a good reminder to us that we still have a long way to go.
BUT THE NICEST THING OF ALL WAS THE DRAWING BLOCK THING (: thank you to fifi and minmin for coming up with the idea (:
hmm i really enjoyed this camp! in terms of fun it was certainly greatfun, but i was happier that i got to know everyone who went more! and that's the most important (: and i learnt a lot about the game and about playing as a team. and i remembered what siok told us at m1 touch: "play for your team" and i think that's the most important thing in touch, and in any team sports for that matter.
and i wanted to give shoutouts but i'm lazy now so tag if you want one and i'll give one to you (:
and i feel so sad that we wont see our seniors at training anymore ): and i feel even sadder because i didnt get to know many of them ): but i guess it's enough seeing them around sch and waving to them haha (:
and this is a really pretty photo of the j2s (: haha the j1s love all of you (:
and now as we all resume our mugging, or start our mugging we'll only have memories of the camp that made two of our june hol days great fun!
and i was so sad that i didnt get many more pictures and videos of many many things, but i guess it makes it all the more precious that the only recollection that we have of some things lies only in our minds. (:
and the worst thing is! guess how i got sick? FROM TRYING TO TALK TO JIAKANG/SHUEN/SUMIEN at d &d! because i had to like half shout to be heard, so after that from then i got a sore throat! and then after that it became a flu and now it;s a fever! boo ):
but okay it's my fault for not taking care of myself too >< because on sunday i went to play tennis and swim, and today i went out shopping with my family and vivo! so now i have to pay the price for it rawrrr !
ohwell! but at least i get stuffed with loads of strawberries and kiwis and apples and oranges "to build up my vitamin c count" haha! and i just got to eat a bottle of birds' nest YIPPEE (:
and so i hopeeeee and prayyy that i'll get well enough for going to watch shrek with xinning tmr! and for touchrug camp on wed and thurss booo! ): i'll like feel so sad at home since touchrug camp sounds like a hellload of fun! rawrrrr!
and yay shopping today was GREAT AND PRODUCTIVE :D haha i have given up on feeling guilty about spending moneyy so >< ohwell! and my dad was so silly! haha cos my mummy and i got three pairs of havianas between ourselves and spent 120 bucks on them altogether, and my daddy grumbled and grumbled about how stupid we were for spending too so much money on slippers! THENNN he went to ripcurl and saw this pair of "very comfortable slippers"! and GUES HOW MUCH IT WAS? FIFTY BUCKS! so after that he had to shut up about mummy's and mine slippers HAHAHAHAA!
my dad rocks!
and everything else asideee ): I AM GOING TO FAIL MY CTS! i totally have no time to study at all grahh! because i have so many outings to go for >< and so many people to catch up with! CTS KILL THE JUNE HOLS/ JUNE HOLS KILL MY CT GRADES! haha i can't decide whether i should follow the former or the latter!
so little time, so much to do. i'd rather spend my days with you.
and training today was tiringgggg! OMG I SWEAR MY STAMINA SUCKS ): and i can't play center haha i'm not used to it >< but it's okay I SHALL WORK HARD! cos like towards the end i was so tired my ball handling was so bad i just kept dropping balls ):
oh but i can't wait for camp next week :D
haha and shit la crunchy roll is seriously addictive! AHHH with crunchyroll, shopping, training and gatherings HOW AM I GOING TO STUDY ): I'M GOING TO FAIL MY CTS!